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Riccardo Masoni. Italy, 20.10.2018 00:00:00


Non si può pensare un modo migliore di vedere i drammatici campi di battaglia di Stalingrado senza la collaborazione della Sputnik Travel che ti avvicina ai luoghi, alle persone, ai drammi, agli atti di eroismo, rendendo la visita indimenticabile e carica di racconto e di storia illustrata con passione e competenza.

Visited October 2018

Glen Clarcke. Australia-Hong Kong, China, 13.11.2018 00:00:00

Stalingrad 3-day Tour

I am very much into WW2 but other than Poland I had never ventured to the Eastern Front and where the war was won. I booked a 3 day with Mikhail's advice, even though I thought this could be excessive I would say that the 3 days was 100% required and I wouldn't have got a full understanding of the battle if I went for a shorter period of time.

Mikhail organised a great package, covering all the main sites including the Mamayev Kurgan, Red October and Tractor Factory, Island of Fire and its museum with the lovely guides, Panorama Museum, Pavlov's House, the Department Store and Kalatch. He was very organised, had a great knowledge on all topics and was willing to go out of his way to help us with anything we needed, especially dinner reservations.

The people of Volgograd are very welcoming and friendly, even though English is not spoken by most people I found everyone very helpful and willing to go out of their way to help me. I would note that other than WW2 this town doesn't seem to have much to do for tourists.

Visited October 2018

Ivo Schouten. The Netherlands, 26.11.2018 00:00:00

The Battle of Stalingrad tour

It was our first visit to the eastern front, we have seen a lot of the battlefields in western Europe, but nothing in the east yet. We had a very committed guide, Mikhail, who led me and my father for two days in and around Volgograd. We visited the most important places and the guide was always very helpful, had a lot of knowledge and passion for the battle of Stalingrad. Even outside office hours he was available and available to help us. He has arranged a meeting with Sergei, who was also very friendly and has done many interesting sparks in the vicinity of Stalingrad. An extra day could have been great, as there is still a lot to see in the 'kessel van Stalingrad' Even after returning home Mikhail showed himself involved, a real plus! If you want to visit Volgograd for the battle of Stalingrad, there is no better way than to visit the city and the surroundings with Mikhail and Sputnik Travel. For example, with the guide the language is not a barrier and you come to places that few know.

Dutch version

Het was voor ons het eerste bezoek aan het oostfront, we hebben al veel gezien van de slagvelden in het westen van Europa, maar nog niets in het oosten. We hadden een zeer betrokken gids, Mikhail die mij en mijn vader gedurende twee dagen heeft rond geleid in en rond Volgograd. We hebben de belangrijkste plaatsen bezocht en de gids was altijd erg behulpzaam, had veel kennis en passie voor de slag om Stalingrad. Ook buiten kantooruren was hij bereikbaar en beschikbaar om ons te helpen. Hij heeft een ontmoeting geregeld met Sergei, die ook erg vriendelijk was en veel interessante vonsten heeft gedaan in de omgeving van Stalingrad. Een extra dag had prima gekund, daar er nog veel te zien is in de 'kessel van Stalingrad' Ook na terugkomst thuis toonde Mikhail zich betrokken, echt een plus punt! Als je Volgograd wil bezoeken om de slag om Stalingrad dan is er geen betere manier dan met Mikhail en Sputnik Travel de stad en de omgeving te bezoeken. Zo is met de gids de taal geen barrière en kom je op plaatsen die weinigen maar kennen.

Visited November 2018

Isabelle and Andrew Pallier. Great Britain-Oxford, 11.01.2019 00:00:00

Excellent and Engaging Military Tour

I went on the 3-day Stalingrad battlefield tour with my dad who is passionate about the military history of Volgograd. Mikhael's tour was really engaging and interesting, for both someone with an extensive knowledge of the subject, and a beginner to the area.

Highlights include going to a local fish market, standing on a battlefield finding discarded bullets and getting a personalised museum tour by the local school teacher and finding about the lives and sacrificies of the Russians involved.

What really stood out was Mikhael's attitude of visiting areas off the tourist path which made for a truly authentic experience. As my dad summarises: "The history enthusiast's dream".

Visited November 2018

Ross Cummings. Sydney-Australia, 31.01.2019 00:00:00

Stalingrad (Volgograd)

This was my 2nd time to visit this great Hero City. First time back in June 2016 and now in January 2019. What a contrast in seasons, going from quite warm in June to winter in January. Nevertheless I would highly recommend either times. Mikhail is a wonderful host and it goes without saying very knowledgeable on the citys history in particular the Great Patriotic War.

Visited June 2016 & January 2019

Raymond Malviste. Delcombe-Australia, 17.02.2019 00:00:00

Personal Tour of Stalingrad with local tour guide in Volgograd

I am a keen student of the Eastern Front campaign of the Great Patriotic War. Stalingrad was a pivotal battle which tipped the balance of the whole war in favour of the USSR. Mikhail took me to important sites: the grain elevator, Pavlov's house, the panoramic museum- "The Battle of Stalingrad", a boat trip on the Volga River. This river was an important supply line for the Russian troops holding out in a small portion of the city. The northern districts of Stalingrad, the factory areas where there was very heavy fighting, Gorodische, and Rossoshka, the site of the combined Russian/German cemetery. At the cemetery, Mikhail introduced me to the caretaker, and he showed me a collection of war relics collected in the area during the annual summer digs. Another member of the caretakers team showed us around the cemetery. Mikhail took me to the Univermag department store in central Stalingrad, the headquarters of 6th German Army commander, Friedrich Paulus. There is much to see in the underground rooms, war memorabilia and dioramas. However, the highlight would have to be when Mikhail took me to Mamayev Kurgan, the famous "hill 102". He timed the visit for me to see the changing of the guard inside the dome of the eternal flame. A very moving experience. Before we began our tour, Mikhail advised me that he does not conduct "pretty" tours. This was not a "pretty" tour, but it was very educational, and for me, quite emotional at times. Mikhail, on behalf of Sputnik Travel Company, offers a different type of guided tour, one that I would strongly recommend. Spasiba, da svi danya!

Visited July 2018

Liam Kelly. Birmingham, United Kingdom, 01.04.2019 00:00:00

Tour of Stalingrad with Mikhail Shuvarikov - amazing!

I visited Volgograd in September 2018. Mikhail was an amazing tour guide and it felt very personal throughout (there were only three of us on the tour).

As a keen student of history, this holiday has to go down as one of the best I've ever been on. Everything in our three-day visit was remarkable: from seeing the epic Mamaev Kurgan to 'the island of fire' on the banks of the Volga and visiting the final bunker of Paulus, it was extradordinary.

The local people are welcoming and the food and craft beer scene are very good, too.

My bosses at work even let me write about the trip and put it in the newspaper:

If you are a fan of military history, this trip should be at the top of your list.

Date of experience: September 2018

Jonas and Anders Rydin. Stockhom, Sweden, 11.05.2019 00:00:00

Fantastisk guide med stor kunskap om Stalingrad

Vi besökte Stalingrad i April 2019. Vi var 3 vuxna och 4 barn. Mikhail var en bra dynamisk guide som anpassade turen till hela sällskapet. Hans kunskaper om slaget var givetvis mycket bra och det var spännande att besöka alla plaster som där viktiga händelser ägt rum. Bäst tyckte vi nog det var att gå runt i ruiner och på platser där man än idag ser tydliga spår av slaget.

Familjebesök i Stalingrad - en fantastisk påsklovsresa

Farfar (74), två söner (46 och 44) och fyra barnbarn(15,12,10,8) åkte till Volgograd för att studera Stalingrad. Äldsta sonen kan allt om bl,a, WW2 och slaget om Stalingrad är en viktig vändpunkt i WW2 så därför reste hela familjen dit för första gången. Vi kontaktade Volgograd Sputnik Travel Company och Mikhail Shuvarikov tog personligen hand om oss under fyra dagar, mötte vid flygplatsen, guidade oss och tipsade om restauranger och såg till att vi kom till flyget när vi skullle åka tillbaka. Själva turens uppläggning och guidningen var superb och Mikhail var en mycket kunnig och trevlig guide och kunde på ett detaljerat sätt berätta om Stalingrad under denna tid och under själva slaget. Det var som att uppleva "Enemies at the Gate" i verkligheten. Gammal som ung - när ni besöker Volgograd/Stalingrad så rekommenderar jag verkligen Mikhail och hans arrangemang.

Date of experience: April 2019

Jairus Lyberth & Henrik Bo Rasmussen. Bronshoej-Tune-Denmark, 11.05.2019 00:00:00

Guidede ture

Vil stærk anbefale at tage eller bestille guidede ture med Stalingrad Battlefield Tours, hvis du/I vil se detaljerede seværdigheder som skete under WW2. De taler bl.a. tysk og engelsk og selvfølgelig også russisk.

Kultur Battlefield Tour

Har lige været på en to dages guidet tour,det vat helt fantastisk og super spændende kan klart anbefales Var på en fantastisk tur til Volgograd med to dages guided tur i ww2’s navn, super spændende og dygtig guide kan klart anbefales

Date of experience: April 2019

Troels Joergensen. Denmark, 20.05.2019 00:00:00

Stalingrad tour Påsken 2019

Min søn og jeg er lige kommet hjem for et par uger siden efter en fantastisk tur til Moskva og Volgograd i Påsken 2019. Normalt arrangerer jeg alt selv, men til denne tur havde jeg booket en guided tour af fire dages varighed hos Volgograd Sputnik Travel Company. Det fortrød vi bestemt ikke, at vi havde gjort. Af firmaets glimrende hjemmeside fremgik der forslag til 1, 2 og 3-dages ture og da først jeg havde fået gang i kommunikationen med Mikhail fra firmaet, fik vi føjet en ekstra dag til, hvor vi tog til Kotelnikovo for at følge i fodsporene på von Manstein og den undsætningsstyrke, der skulle være brudt igennem russernes omringning og have åbnet vejen til 6. arme ”Operation Wintergewitter”.

Det er meget nemt at skrive sammen med Mikhail. Han skriver fint på engelsk og udviser stor fleksibilitet med hensyn til at udvide programmet med forskellige ekstrature f.eks. Marinovka, Pitomnik og Golubinsky.

Den første dag introducerede han os for vores guide Anna og vores chauffør Sergey. Jeg havde bedt om en engelsk eller tysktalende guide og Anne taler et fint og letforståeligt tysk. Sergey, der har kosak baggrund, havde jeg egentlig ikke regnet med at have så stor berøringsflade med, men han er en lun fyr, der kunne tale med alle vi mødte på vores vej og da han samtidig vidste, hvor ruinerne at ”Kommissærens hus” lå, som jeg specifikt havde spurgt efter, var han meget aktiv på resten af turen.

Jeg vil ikke nævne alle de steder, vi så på turen, men blot konstatere, at hele byen og området vestpå til Kalach ved Don-floden og sydpå til Kotelnikovo er gennemsyret af historie og er fuld af ruiner, mindesmærker, museer og massegrave. Vi ville aldrig have fundet dem alle, hvis ikke vi havde booket denne tur hos Volgograd Sputnik. 

Et af højdepunkterne på turen, var sjovt nok, da Sergey og Annas kombinerede talegaver, fik overbevist ejeren af den dacha, som udgjorde Paulus hovedkvarter i sensommeren 1942, om at vi kunne komme ind og se de værelser, hvor Paulus og hans stabchef Schmidt arbejdede og sov – meget små og spartanske forhold – og en af kaffekopperne fra dengang. Da følte vi historiens vingesus.

Nu er jeg selv lidt af en nørd, når det gælder krigen på Østfronten 1941-1945, men uanset graden af forhåndsviden og om man vælger en 1-dags tur eller den udvidede 4-dags tur, vil jeg mene, at man får et fantastisk udbytte.

Stor tak til Mikhail og hans team, både for deres punktlighed, viden og entusiasme.

Date of experience: April 2019